adults in charge

Here is my Blog. I am not trying to make money at it or promote anything. I just like to write, especially about things that really matter. So I will not get a big following. Yet my subscribers are gradually increasing. Join them.

Raccoon Predictions 2024

Also foretelling the past and snarking about the present

I have now been at this blogging thing for four years. For some strange reason, I have still not got up to thousands of subscribers and making lots of money at it. This might be due to my habit of telling people what they do not want to know about.

I have failed to follow the rules for successful blogging. I do not put out posts every other day. I do not stick to one subject.

I post about real subjects, things which most people find uncomfortable. I am not into reinforcing other people’s preconceptions. I write when I have something to write, and I take the time to get it right.

Yet for some strange reason I have a few subscribers. Sometimes something I write attracts attention and gets a few hundred reads. A few of my posts seem to have some ‘legs’ and get a slow and steady trickle of reads.

Blogging would be a stressful way to try to make a living. It is a very satisfying thing to do when you are not trying to make money at it or save the world from itself. I wish I had taken it up a long time ago.


I did try doing it, or something like it, some years ago. I tried to start a WordPress in the early days of WordPress, but it was not really useable then. For awhile, when I was still doing HTML coding, I set up by own hand made blog.

My problem was, I just wanted to write, not spend all my time trying to get my platform to work. Also, I had no idea of who was reading me and where they were coming from. I seemed to get some reads because some people actually linked to my pages.

I soon gave up on that for the time being. However, I am a natural writer and thinker. I need an outlet for these urges. So finally, I turned 65 and got some more money, and felt I could afford some expense in setting up and running a WordPress correctly. By that time there was also Substack.

There was also Medium, but I never got any reads there. Same thing with Tumblr. Week after week, zero, zero.

Yet I was starting to get some results from substack, and eventually from WordPress. So I told Medium to go to hell. Gradually, my WordPress has started getting me more results than Substack.


I have had no problems with people trying to get me taken down. That had been a problem before, when I tried writing on the internet, or for some small ‘independent’ publications. Some people had grudges against me because of my activism work, or just thought something made them the ‘thought police’.

I have decided I am too old for that scene anymore. I do not want to bother with all the bullshit and bad behaviour. I seem to be fully bulletproofed from harassment on these new platforms.

I still have a lot of material on people and institutions in Toronto who are still misbehaving. These might be subjects for future blog posts. More importantly, however, I will increasingly advocate for a tear down and rebuild of the existing system which allows these critters to flourish.

So, keep watching this space, folks. I am just starting to get really interesting. But as I said, I have been at it four years. I look back at stuff I did when I started and notice my writing has improved considerably.


I no longer have much of the early stuff I wrote. Much of it was not worth keeping. I only ported over the best stuff when I got them to build me an improved WordPress platform.

Increasingly, I am revising and reposting the best material from the past few years. I wish I had kept for reference one of my very first bloggings, from 2020, just before the pandemic landed. I made predictions about how the decade of the twenties would go.

I was very good at my predictions. I even predicted covid, in a way. I said that the world was due for a world wide epidemic, which would likely happen some time during the decade.

I said that air travel was too unrestricted, people did not take seriously the need to prevent transmission of colds and flu, public health was being short funded, there was a lack of emergency preparedness, and the world had forgotten about contagious diseases, like they were a thing of the past. A few years previously, I had looked into the Spanish Flu epidemic.

However, I was dead wrong about one aspect of the pandemic. I expected that such an event would create enough of a scare that public health systems would be improved. Instead, there has been an intensified effort to tear down disease control and public health systems.


Another of my prophecies has proved scarily accurate. The year 2020 marked the end of a 75 year period of stability from the end of the world war in 1945. The Pax Americana has ended.

Going forward, we are in for a period of turbulence until a new order can be established. It will be something like the period from 1914 to 1945, with the two world wars, the great depression, and the turbulent twenties. That is, the original turbulent twenties.

People seemed to start calling the decade of the 1920s the “roaring twenties” sometime after they were over. The term seems to have been a reference to the turbulence of the time, roaring as in roaring wind storms. It was a time of innovations which ultimately led to a better standard of living, but also created a lot of problems.

Public radio developed during the 1920’s, as did the recording industry. Use of cars became fully established, for better and worse. The industrial system became fully electrified, which in the end led to overproduction, a factor in causing the depression.

Industrial capitalism was on the ascendency, while financial capitalism had been temporarily weakened and discredited by the fiasco of the world war. It was thought that all war had come to an end. The future was of endless expansion and ‘prosperity.’

However, the financialists, the Rhodes trust/Chatham house bunch, predecessors of today’s globalists, were able to lever the League of Nations into being. They were planning the great depression and the next world war, to reestablish themselves in power. They eventually screwed that up as well.

For the ‘golden thirty’, the period after the second world war, industrial capitalists were still in control of the economy but did not have full control of society and social progress. After 1980, Neoliberalism developed. Essentially, this was financial capitalism suckering industrial capitalism into destroying their own system, while also rolling back social progress and putting the population back into line.


Now we have arrived at a second turbulent twenties. The processes which got going in the first one are concluding in the second. First of all, the global dominance of global financial capital has come to an end; the globe has revolted against it.

The reaction of the globalists is to drastically accelerate their two favourite long term projects. One is that they want to get a new global war started. They cannot believe that they cannot win it.

The other is even more sinister; the reduction of the earth’s population. This is done through promoting the ‘climate’ nonsense; shutting down industry in developed countries and preventing it from starting in underdeveloped countries. The world outside the west’s media control zone is starting to see through this.

This is also being done through deliberate propagation of the pandemic. As I have blogged voluminously elsewhere, you need two elements to wage a biological war on a population, or on the whole world. You need to engineer a suitable infectious agent, and you need to shut down public health measures.


So now that I have sufficiently sketched in how the present got here, I will predict the next year, and maybe the rest of the turbulent twenties, mark 2. I will not look into the rest of the century. It might cause my crystal ball to overheat.

The globalists will continue losing the two really dangerous wars they currently have on the go. As for Ukraine, it will still take some time. The Ukrainian army, economy, and civil society are now collapsing but the Russians are still proceeding cautiously.

Likely the big fear of the Russians is of the Americans bringing their troops into Ukraine. This would not be to start fighting Russia, but to create a ‘tripwire’. This would create a problem for Russia.

Russia obviously does not want to start something which could lead to a nuclear exchange. But its war aims remain very clear. They do not want a Nazi regime in Europe, especially one on its borders which would be a base for constant attacks on it.

They also do not want to just flatten the country. They want to incorporate the Russian speaking areas back into Russia, and would have to rebuild whatever they destroy. However, when the Russkies finally decide to do something, they will likely do it very fast and suddenly, before their enemies react.

By the end of 2024, Ukraine will likely consist of the Galician speaking North East of the country. The regime will likely collapse into factions fighting each other. The Hungarian, Polish, and Romanian speaking slivers of the country will likely be incorporated back into their mother countries.


As for the Gaza war, it is much harder to predict how it will end. It can safely be said that it will not end well for Israel. It is really depressing to say that it will likely end with the death of most of the population of Gaza.

No response can be put together in time to stop the Israelis. An aggressive attack by Israel on everything around it seems to be locked in. The Americans are going to continue to supply the bombs. Control of the American government by Zionists also seems locked it for now.

The Iranians clearly have a plan for destroying Israel, but it will take time to implement. None of Israel’s enemies seemed to anticipate how vicious global Zionism would be when challenged like this. It will at least hasten Israel’s downfall.

However, it makes things much more dangerous for Iran. The Iranians are able to create a nuclear weapon in months if they had to. They may regret not doing so before.

A regional conflict is getting rolling in South West Asia, with a large number of very unstable and unpredictable pieces in play. Iranians are the people who invented chess but strategy is not much good in such an environment, and against such an opponent. The best strategy in such cases is to let the opponent defeat himself.

Israel, or rather global Zionism, is doing a good job of that. The Israeli economy will be in total collapse by the end of the year. Since they are mainly funded and supplied by the Americans, this will make little difference in their willingness or ability to wage war.

Israel has only a small navy and its army is well known to be not much good at real fighting. Its real strength is its air force. It does not scare Hamas and Hezbollah in their tunnels, but other Moslem armies would be clobbered from the air.

My big prediction is that the end will come for Israel when Russia finally supplies the moslem armies with an air defence. Russia is the essential element to make a unified defence against Israel click. Eventually Russia will have to get into this, or lose all credibility.

Russian support will solve the basic problem among the nations who now see they must defeat Israel. That is, they do not trust each other. They will not let each other’s armies cross their territories.

Other consequences of the Gaza war. First, it is leading to near universal hostility to the Americans. The downfall of the American dollar based trade system is being accelerated.

Inside western countries, especially the Anglosphere, the public is starting to see who really rules them. It is odd that, of all the disgusting things the ruling elites have been doing, this is what catalyses full rejection of the present system. The American government does what it wants, and has no interest in the public’s desires or even American national interests.


I will make a really wild prediction. Due to the Gaza mass murder, Israel and the USA will be banned from the Paris olympics. The Olympics Committee and the French government will have no choice.

A movement will develop in most of the world that they do not want their national sports teams playing against Americans and Israelis while the genocidal war against Palestine continues. National sports federations will tend to be distressed by this, because of large investments in the game. But public pressure in many countries will be intense.

If a significant part of the world goes along with this boycott threat, the IOC will have no choice but to also go along, as they did with the Pandemic in 2020. The French government, host of the games, may not be too unhappy about this.

So, American and Israeli athletes will stay home. From what is seen about the mentality of revisionist Zionism, this will make them even more defiant. They love to show they do not care what the world thinks about them.

This will have more effect on the American elite. It would be a powerful demonstration to them that they no longer own the world. However, they will continue to dig the big hole for themselves.


Covid will continue to be a problem in the world. The year will be a turning point. Governments throughout the world will finally get it that it is not going away on its own.

No pandemic in history ever just went away. Often they killed everybody they could kill, but kept coming back every generation. Pandemics stop when people start to do what they must to stop transmission.

A realization is coming that covid variants are being created in the network of biowar labs the USA is maintaining all over the world. There is nothing to be done about this until the USA can be taken down altogether. That cannot be done yet, but the rest of the world will start working more seriously toward it.

In Canada in particular, the anti Covid movement will start to evolve from trying to show people the facts about covid, and countering the disinformation. It is becoming clear that the disinformation must be ruthlessly shut down. For that, governments must start to be able to govern.


Also, back here in quiet Canada, the liberal government will continue to deteriorate. Prince Justin and company will continue to be locked into a ‘consensus’’ mentality, unwilling to do anything if there is the slightest opposition or difficulty. They will go into a cognitive breakdown, unable to square the fact they have to pass the Pharmacare program to stay in office, with the fact it will annoy big Pharma.

In Ontario, Doug the Thug will be out by the end of this year. People have figured out how to deal with him. They are not waiting around for opposition politicians to expose him, or doing pointless demonstrations.

People are investigating, digging up the dirt, and filing law suits. They are going after conservative functionaries with serious harassment and shaming. They are not worried about trying to change the minds of core conservative screwhead supporters, but with stopping conservatives from acting.

In Alberta, it is even more interesting. Danielle Smith will be out as premier by year end, pushed by her own party. They will then install someone who makes even her look half-sensible by comparison.

Government will begin breaking down altogether in Alberta. I have always said that the best answer to the “government is the problem” geeks is to give them what they want. Watch them whine when everything falls apart for them.

Alberta will be the first Canadian provincial government to have to be put into trusteeship. The problem is as I explained it in “The Alberta Syndrome”. The social deterioration from the ‘resource curse’ combines with the moral degeneration from waves of immigrants bringing extreme right ideologies.

In Toronto the Good, mild mannered Miss Olivia will go along with the trend toward establishing Toronto government with the power to run services for the public. There will be initiative toward establishing a local sales tax and income tax. Toronto needs to take back control over transit and start building a transit city style system, finally.

Toronto is at a point where it has to either start taking up the powers of a province or else collapse altogether. It has to stop expecting other levels of government to fund and run everything because the local elite does not want to. The “no taxes”, anti transit, anti housing, anti planning, and anti people clique of bozos who do not even live in the city, need to be taken on and shut down.


One final, very happy prediction. The PWHL, after such a long and difficult gestation, will have a very successful first season. Its games are sold out already.

The league seems reasonably well organized, in contrast to its predecessors. I know where to watch the games. They are being held in first rate venues where the girls do not have to change in washrooms.

I will predict that Toronto wins the first championship. It does not seem like they have figured out what they are going to pour the champagne into, or what they will call it. They do not have names for the teams yet.

I have a brilliant suggestion for a team name; ‘Toronto Unity’. Both Toronto and Canada need more unity. The Toronto team seems to be unitary with team Canada; the same coach and manager, same core group of players.

This unit has plenty of good players, with experience working together. The other teams in the league are somewhat ‘shake and bake’ at this point. A possible exception is Minnesota.

The Team USA players are scattered among the American based teams. So, I predict Toronto Unity will be consuming the pink champagne from the Hefford cup this July.


Actually, I got all this wrong. A super pandemic will emerge next year which will eliminate almost all human life on the planet. Only the handful of ecofanatics who created it will survive in their bunkers.

Auld Lang Syne.

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